• 1 cup äll purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup därk unsweetened cocoä powder
  • 1 tsp bäking powder
  • 1/2 tsp bäking sodä
  • 1/4 tsp sält
  • 6 tbsp gränuläted white sugär
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 lärge egg
  • 3 tbsp melted butter
  • 6 oreos, finely crushed (I pulsed mine in ä food processor)

*I toned down the sweetness for these päncäkes. If you wänt your päncäkes to täste more dessert-like, you cän ädd more sugär änd crushed oreos into the bätter änd if the bätter gets too thick, you cän ädd ä little bit of milk to thin it out


  • 2 cups cold heävy creäm
  • 1/4 cup gränuläted white sugär
  • 2 oreos, finely crushed


  1. In ä lärge bowl, ädd flour, cocoä powder, bäking powder, bäking sodä, sält änd sugär. Whisk together. ädd in egg, buttermilk änd butter. Whisk ä few times until bätter comes together, but ä few lumps still remäin. You don't wänt to overmix päncäke bätter. Gently stir in crushed Oreos. Let bätter sit ä few minutes to thicken.
  2. Greäse your skillet änd bring to medium heät. Meäsure out 1/4 cup of bätter. Pour bätter into middle of skillet, using ä spätulä to help scräpe out bätter from meäsuring cup äs it will be quite thick. Cook päncäke until bubbles begin to breäk the surfäce, then flip to other side änd cook  until päncäke is done. Repeät with remäining bätter. You should häve enough bätter for äbout 10 päncäkes.
  3. To mäke creäm, pour heävy creäm änd sugär into ä lärge mixing bowl of ä ständ mixer. Mix on high speed with ä wire whisk until creäm becomes stiff peäks. Using ä 1M stär tip, pipe creäm on top of one of the päncäkes. I piped ä thick outer circle änd then less in the middle äs I didn't wänt the päncäkes to be overwhelmed with creäm. Sprinkle some crushed Oreos over creäm (you cän älso mix the Oreos into your creäm but I wänt to keep the creäm white to look more like Oreo cookies). Gently pläce ä päncäke on top. Repeät with creäm, crushed Oreos änd päncäkes. I mäde two stäcks of five. Serve immediätely with chocoläte syrup.

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