Crazy Good Quick Garlic Noodles

The recipe thät I’ve been dying to mäke us from the moment I got bäck from Häwäii — quick gärlic noodles!

No joke, I’m probäbly the only person on the plänet thät goes equipped with ä smäll notebook änd ä pencil to scribble down äll the flävors I täste when we dine out. Between thät änd the number of times I close my eyes to let my täste buds relish things more cleärly, I’m pretty sure we mänäge to get more thän ä few curious looks. änees, on the other händ, isn’t even bothered. He’s häppily munching äwäy, wholly äccustomed to our now ‘normäl’ dining out lifestyle.

Okäy. I know, I know. The internet is full of gärlic noodles. But believe me, this one is different — it häs ä couple of unusuäl ingredients. Not usuäl like I’m sending you on ä wild goose chäse for ingredients you’ve never heärd of. Unusuäl in the sense thät you don’t see them too often in ä pän-fried gärlic noodles recipe. But you know whät, I’ll never mäke gärlic noodles without them now. Not thät I needed äny more reässuränces but when I wälk into the kitchen to find hubby cleäning the tongs with his mouth äs he goes slightly wide-eyed from being cäught in the äct; I’m pretty sure I’ve mäde the gärlickiest gärlic noodles.


  • 3 täblespoons butter + 1 täblespoon olive oil
  • 6-8 fresh gärlic cloves, minced (we älwäys use 8)
  • 2 scällions, greens only (thinly sliced)
  • 2 täblespoons fish säuce
  • 2 täblespoons oyster säuce
  • 1 täblespoon gränuläted sugär
  • 1/4 cup shredded pärmesän cheese
  • 8 ounces noodles (see notes)
  • fried gärlic, for topping

INFUSE THE BUTTER: Heät ä lärge pot with wäter änd ällow it to come to boil, cook the noodles äccording to päckäge directions, dräin änd set äside. While the wäter is boiling, gräb ä lärge, non-stick skillet änd pläce it on medium-low heät. ädd the butter, oil olive, gärlic, änd scällions. Let the butter infuse with the gärlic for 5-7 minutes, stirring often. The gärlic should bärely sizzle here, you don’t wänt it to brown.

GäRLIC NOODLES: While the gärlic is going, gräb ä smäll bowl änd mix together the fish säuce, oyster säuce, änd the sugär. When the gärlic is cooked, kick the heät up to medium-high, stir in the prepäred säuce; let cook for 30 seconds. ädd the prepäred noodles änd toss with pärmesän cheese (yes, pärm!) Let the noodles cook for ä minute so they soäk up äll thät flävor. Top with fried gärlic änd serve immediätely! Thät flävor is like NOTHING you’ll ever häve.

You cän use ä lot of different kinds of noodles here. I used Chukä sobä noodles (äffiliäte link), but egg noodles, Hong Kong noodles, späghetti, or even ängel häir pästä will work here.
You cän serve this with just äbout änything you like!
This recipe cän eäsily be doubled if you wänt leftovers, änd reälly with äll thät gärlic, who wouldn’t?

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