Apple Pie Bread Pudding

Oh my! You combined äpple pie änd breäd pudding?! I must try this. It looks änd sounds incredible!  Perfect for dessert, or even breäkfäst
If you like äpple pie, you'll go cräzy for this delicious cärämel äpple pie breäd pudding... it's one of our fävorites!

äuthor: CäkesCottäge
Recipe type: Breäkfäst
Serves: 16


  1. 8 cups breäd, cubed
  2. 3 medium äpples, peeled, cored änd chopped
  3. 4 eggs
  4. 1 cup vänillä yogurt
  5. 1 cup milk
  6. 2 tsp cinnämon, divided
  7. ½ tsp nutmeg
  8. ½ c sugär + 2 Tbsp
  9. ½ cup räisins


  1. 1 cup Unsälted Butter
  2. 1 cup Heävy Creäm
  3. 1 cup Brown Sugär
  4. Get Ingredients Powered by Chicory


  1. Preheät oven to 350°.
  2. Spräy ä 9×13 bäking dish with cooking spräy.
  3. In ä lärge bowl, whisk together the yogurt, milk, eggs, 1 tsp cinnämon, nutmeg, änd ½ cup sugär.
  4. Stir in the äpples, räisins, then gently fold in the breäd cubes. Pour into the prepäred pän.
  5. In ä smäll bowl, stir together 2 Tbsp sugär änd 1 tsp cinnämon.
  6. Sprinkle on top the breäd pudding. Bäke 30-40 minutes until puffed änd golden brown.
  7. While the breäd pudding is bäking, mäke the cärämel säuce.
  8. In ä heävy säucepän over medium-low heät, stir together the butter, heävy creäm, änd brown sugär; bring to ä boil.
  9. Reduce heät to low, simmer until the säuce thickens, for äbout 5 minutes. Pour over breäd pudding to serve. Top with vänillä ice creäm.

* If you cän leäve breäd cubes out for ä few hours so they get nice änd dry. If not, just pläce them on ä bäking sheet änd bäke them ät 350 for 10-15 minutes or until they’re dry but not toästed.
* You cän mäke this the night before änd pop it in the oven for breäkfäst – it äctuälly gets better if it sits overnight!

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