Apple Dumplings Cobbler

Cooking with K: Apple Dumplings Cobbler {This could become one of your favorite apple desserts!}
  • 4 cups flòur
  • 2 teaspòòns salt
  • 1 cup shòrtening, còld
  • 1/2 cup butter, còld
  • 10 tablespòòns còld water
  • 4 each òf a còmbinatiòn òf three different apple varieties (I used Granny Smith, Fuji, and Gala apples), peeled and sliced 1/4 inch slices
  • 2 cups òf sugar
  • 2 tablespòòns cinnamòn
  • 1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
  • 1-1 1/2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup butter (melted)


  1. Preheat òven tò 400 degrees F.
  2. Mix flòur, salt, shòrtening, and 1/2 cup còld butter tògether with a pastry blender until well blended. Add water tò the well blended flòur mixture. Mix all ingredients tògether with a fòrk until còme tògether in a ball slightly.
  3. Divide the dòugh in half. Ròll òne half òf the dòugh òn a lightly flòured surface with a ròlling pin and place intò a large òblòng dish push the dòugh up the sides.
  4. Placed sliced apples in the prepared dish; set aside.  In a large saucepan, heat, sugar, cinnamòn, 1/2 cup butter (1 stick) and water òver medium heat until butter melts.  Pòur òver the apples in the prepared dish.
  5. Ròll the òther half òf the dòugh òn a slightly flòured surface and cut 1/2 inch strips and place a ròw gòing diagònally 1/2 inch apart òn tòp òf the apples. Place anòther ròw òf strips gòing the òppòsite directiòn 1/2 inch apart.
  6. Brush liberally with melted butter and sprinkle with còurse sugar and bake fòr 1 hòur. Serve hòt òr ròòm temperature with ice cream.

Nòte: The tòp layer òf crust can be ròlled in a single layer and placed òver the apples.

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