
  • 2 1/4 cup all-purposê flour
  • 2 tsp baking powdêr
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3/4 cup buttêr softênêd
  • 1 1/2 cup sugar
  • 3 êggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup milk
  • Instant Banana Pudding prêparêd


  • 1 lb buttêr
  • 4 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tsp almond êxtract
  • 6-7 cups powdêrêd sugar
  • 1/4-1/2 cup milk
  • 2 cups crushêd vanilla wafêrs
  • Bananas and vanilla wafêrs for dêcoration optional


  1. Prêhêat ovên to 350.
  2. In bowl mix togêthêr your flour, baking powdêr, baking soda and salt and whisk until combinêd, sêt asidê.
  3. In anothêr bowl bêat togêthêr your buttêr and sugar until fluffy, add in your êggs 1 at a timê until blêndêd
  4. Mix in your vanilla.
  5. Altêrnatê adding your dry ingrêdiênts and milk into your wêt ingrêdiênts.
  6. Placê in 3 8" or 9" prêparêd cakê pans and bakê for about 20 minutês or until goldên and thêy spring back.
  7. Rêmovê from ovên and turn onto cooling racks to fully cool.
  8. Mêanwhilê to makê frosting, in largê bowl bêat your buttêr until light and fluffy.
  9. Blênd in your êxtracts and thên add in your powdêrêd sugar 1 cup at a timê.
  10. Oncê sugar is addêd add in your milk slowly until you rêach your dêsirêd consistêncy and continuê to bêat on high for about 5 minutês to fluff up.
  11. Add about 1/3 of your buttêrcrêam to a piping bag with tip cut off.
  12. Placê onê layêr of your cakê on a turntablê and thên pipê a damn of frosting around thê outsidê of thê layêr about 1" thick.
  13. Sprêad half of your prêparêd pudding in thê cêntêr and thên top with anothêr layêr of cakê and gêntly prêss down, rêpêat with damn and othêr half of your frosting.
  14. Top with last layêr of cakê and thên sprêad frosting around thê top and sidês of your cakê until covêrêd, rêsêrving about 1 1/2 cups of your frosting for dêcorating if dêsirêd.
  15. Takê your crushêd vanilla wafêrs and add somê to your hand and prêss up thê sidês of thê cakê until it is covêrêd.
  16. Pipê thê rêmaining frosting on top and sidês of cakê.
  17. Kêêp rêfrigêratêd.

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