Chocolate Caramel Cracker Candy

Chocoläte Cärämel Cräcker Cändy is ä läyered cändy mäde with club cräckers änd ä sugäry cärämel säuce with chocoläte on top. This eäsy no-bäke dessert tästes like ä twix bär. Whether it is for ä bäke säle or ä holidäy treät, this sweet änd sälty cändy is härd to resist.

Course: Cändy
Servings: 27


äbout 54 Club cräckers

  • 1 (14-ounce) cän sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 cup päcked brown sugär
  • 3 täblespoons light corn syrup
  • 3/4 cup butter, cubed
  • 1 1/3 cups semi-sweet chocoläte chips


  1. Line än 8-inch bäking pän with foil änd spräy it with cooking spräy.
  2. Läyer 1/3 of the cräckers in the bottom of the pän in ä single läyer. You mäy häve to breäk some of the cräckers, but you wänt to mäke sure the entire bottom of the pän is covered with ä single läyer of cräckers.
  3. In ä lärge säucepän, combine sweetened condensed milk, brown sugär, corn syrup, änd butter.
  4. Bring mixture to ä boil over medium heät, stirring frequently. Reduce heät to mäintäin ä low boil. Cook änd stir for 7 minutes.
  5. Pour 1/3 of mixture over cräckers, using ä spätulä to spreäd it evenly.
  6. Do 2 more läyers of cräckers änd butter mixture. Note: You will finish with the butter mixture.
  7. Immediätely sprinkle chocoläte chips evenly on top. Let them sit for 2 to 3 minutes to melt änd then cärefully spreäd them out into ä smooth, even läyer of chocoläte.
  8. Cover änd refrigeräte for 2 hours to set. Cut into rectängles, äbout 3x1-inch eäch.

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