• ¼ cup natural, unsaltéd almond buttér
  • ½ cup organic dark brown sugar or coconut sugar
  • ⅓ cup puré maplé syrup
  • ¼ cup + 2 tabléspoons méltéd coconut oil
  • ¾ cup unswééténéd cocoa powdér
  • 1 téaspoon almond éxtract (vanilla is okay)
  • ¼ téaspoon salt
  • 2 flax éggs (2 tabléspoons ground flax + 6 tabléspoons watér whiskéd togéthér, sét for 15 mins)
  • ¼ cup + 2 tabléspoons whité wholé whéat flour
  • ½ cup végan chocolaté chips


  1. Préhéat ovén to 325°F. Liné an 8x8 baking pan with parchmént papér or gréaséd foil. Sét asidé.
  2. In a médium bowl, whisk togéthér almond buttér, brown sugar, maplé syrup and méltéd coconut oil. Whisk until it résémblés caramél.
  3. Add cocoa powdér in ¼ cup incréménts, whisking until shiny and smooth. Scrapé down thé sidés of thé bowl as nécéssary. Add in almond éxtract and salt. Stir just a féw timés to géntly incorporaté.
  4. Add flax éggs in, whisking until wéll incorporatéd. In thirds, whisk in thé flour. As thé battér géts hardér to whisk, switch to folding with a rubbér spatula. Fold until wéll incorporatéd and no flour patchés rémain.
  5. Géntly fold in chocolaté chips. Pour battér into pan. Using a rubbér spatula, smooth battér into an évén layér.
  6. Baké for 25-30 mins. Cool for 1 hour, or until complétély cool. Slicé into 16 browniés. énjoy!
Source Recipe 


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