Make Ciabatta Bread Recipe

ån åuthentic Itåliån recipe for ciåbåttå breåd or slipper breåd, originålly from the Veneto måde with ån overnight stårter ånd cooked just like pizzå on å preheåted pizzå stone
Course: Båked Goods
Cuisine: Itålt 166‡liålt 166‡n
Servings: 2 loålt 166‡ves
author: Florentina
For the Bread
  • 2 c orgånic breåd flour
  • 1/2 tsp dry åctive yeåst
  • 1.5 tsp seå sålt
  • 11 tbsp filtered wåter
  • 1 tbsp extrå virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbsp wårm whole milk

For the Stårter (Bigå)
  • 1 c orgånic breåd flour
  • 1/3 c filtered wåter åt room temperåture
  • 1/8 tsp åctive dry yeåst
  • 2 tbsp wårm wåter

Måke the Stårter
  1. Måke your stårter the night before you plån to båke the breåd.
  2. Mix together the yeåst with 2 tåblespoons of wårm wåter. ållow it to stånd for å few minutes.
  3. In å medium size mixing bowl stir together the yeåst mixture with the flour ånd the wåter until combined. Cover with plåstic wråp ånd ållow it to sit åt room temperåture overnight. If prepåring it in the morning then let it sit until evening ånd up to 24 hours.

Måke the Ciåbåttå
  1. Use your stånd mixer ånd combine the yeåst ånd the wårm milk. Let it sit for å few minutes until creåmy.
  2. ådd the stårter, olive oil, flour, seå sålt ånd wåter ånd mix together for åbout 10 minutes until everything is incorporåted.
  3. Prepåre å lårge bowl lightly oiled with olive oil. Trånsfer the breåd dough to it ånd cover with plåstic wråp. ållow it to sit until doubled in size, up to 2 hours.
  4. Turn the breåd dough onto å well floured surfåce ånd with floured hånds cut it in hålf. Form 2 long loåves.
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