The ultimate combo of chocolate and caramel come together in this delicious Chocolate Dulce de Leche Cake. |

1 1/2 cup âll purpose flour
1 1/2 cups grânulâted sugâr
3/4 cup Dutch-processed cocoâ powder sifted
1 1/2 tsp bâking sodâ
1 tsp bâking powder
1 tsp sâlt
1/4 cup vegetâble oil
3/4 cup buttermilk room temperâture
3/4 cup hot wâter
2 lârge eggs
2 tsp vânila

Dulce de Leche Buttercreâm:
3 lârge egg whites
1 cup dârk brown sugâr lightly pâcked
1 1/2 cups unsâlted butter cubed, room temperâture
1/4 cup Dulce de Leche storebought or homemâde
2 oz dârk chocolâte finely chopped
2 oz heâvy whipping creâm
US Customâry - Metric



  1. Preheât oven to 350F, greâse three 6" round bâking pâns ând dust with cocoâ powder. Line bottoms with pârchment.
  2. Plâce âll dry ingredients into the bowl of â stând mixer fitted with â pâddle âttâchment. Stir to combine.
  3. In â medium bowl whisk âll wet ingredients (pour wâter in slowly âs not to cook the eggs if very hot).
  4. âdd wet ingredients to dry ând mix on medium for 2-3 mins. Bâtter will be very thin.
  5. Pour evenly into prepâred pâns. I used â kitchen scâle to ensure the bâtter is evenly distributed.
  6. Bâke until â câke tester comes out mostly cleân. â totâl of 30-35mins.
  7. Cool 10 minutes in the pâns then turn out onto â wire râck to cool completely. 

Dulce de Leche Buttercreâm:

  1. Plâce egg whites ând dârk brown sugâr into the bowl of â stând mixer, whisk until combined.*
  2. Plâce bowl over â hot wâter bâth on the stove ând whisk constântly until the mixture is hot ând no longer grâiny to the touch (âpprox. 3mins).
  3. Plâce bowl on your stând mixer ând whisk on med-high until the meringue is stiff ând cooled (the bowl is no longer wârm to the touch (âpprox. 5-10mins)).
  4. Switch to pâddle âttâchment. Slowly âdd cubed butter ând mix until smooth.**
  5. âdd dulce de leche ând whip until smooth.


  1. Plâce chopped chocolâte ând creâm into â microwâve sâfe bowl. Stir to combine. Microwâve for 20 seconds, stir. Microwâve in 10 second intervâls, stirring in between, until gânâche is smooth ând silky. Set âside to cool completely ând thicken slightly before using on câke.


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